Network Innovation Allowance

Green Home Support Service

Project Data

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End date:




The Green Home Support Service is a new, accessible service designed to provide customers of all budgets and backgrounds with the information and support they need to take steps towards making their home greener. 

What is the project about?

This project launched a new service to help our diverse range of customers take steps towards reducing their carbon footprints. The easy-to-use online tool gives customers a personalised action plan within minutes, eliminating technical jargon and offering them straightforward steps they can take to help them save money on bills and lower their carbon footprint, without compromising the warmth of their homes. 

For customers who may need support navigating the tool, they can also receive person-to-person support by requesting a call from UK Power Networks’ specially trained staff. 

The Green Home Support Service aims to show how everyone, whether they are a tenant or own their own home, can get involved in the green energy transition without breaking the bank, offering guidance on everything from small-scale, cost-effective actions to bigger projects like installing solar panels and ground source heat pumps. 

The Green Home Support Service tool is now live at: 

Customers can request a support call from UK Power Networks staff by contacting 0203 660 3030. 

How we’re doing it

After we launched the Home Action Plan with Ovesco Community Energy Group as part of our Communiheat project, we collected customer feedback. Responses identified that a lot of the proposed actions were too costly for many people, renters had less options, and that the document could be more accessible. 

We worked with accessibility experts an Inclusive Design Panel of internal stakeholders with lived experiences of vulnerability to design a new interactive website and printable document. We also added information on more topics, and through the tool asking customers five quick questions filter the options to provide a personal action plan. 

What makes it innovative

Engaging customers in the Net Zero Transition is a new and growing area. UK Power Networks are committed to providing support to our customers to ensure no one gets left behind. 

For the Green Home Support Service we’re using our award-winning customer services team to deliver this support directly to our customers for the first time. Supplementing the online and printed resources with a phone service allows customers to engage with the information in their preferred mode. 

What we’re learning

Creating accessible resources requires insight from a range of stakeholders. We worked with accessibility experts, customers, our communication team and our internal Inclusive Design Panel of colleagues with lived experience of vulnerability to gather feedback to design the best customer experience. 

How customers engage with the Green Home Support Service will allow us to identify what information and proposed actions are of greatest interest. This means that we can continue to refine our support and target where it is needed most. 

thinking outside the box icon
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