Future Ready

Low Voltage Current Sensor Technology Evaluation

Project Data

Start date:


End date:





We collaborated with Western Power Distribution to evaluate low voltage monitoring solutions in a laboratory and on live electricity networks. Sensors from seven manufacturers were fitted at 28 substations.

What is the project about?

As Britain’s distribution networks become ‘smarter’, the need to improve visibility of the low voltage network is increasing. Monitoring of our low voltage network is currently limited. To maintain reliable power supplies in the future we need better monitoring to understand the impact as customers use more electricity and connect more renewable generation to our network.

How we’re doing it

  • Evaluate current sensors from seven manufacturers
  • Study low voltage monitoring techniques
  • Consider wider roll-outs to support a low carbon future and minimise customer disruption
  • Report on the results of individual tests and comparative assessments

What makes it innovative

  • Develop safe installation procedures
  • Comparison and benchmarking of various types of sensors
  • Use of laboratory tests and field test trials to select monitoring equipment
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