Heat Decarbonisation


Project Data

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UK Power Networks, OVO Energy and UK clean tech company tepeo have come together to understand how tepeo’s innovative Zero Emission Boiler interacts with the electricity network, allowing UK Power Networks to use its existing infrastructure in a smarter way and OVO to develop new offerings that will reduce costs to customers.

What is the project about?

As we move towards a net zero future, the decarbonisation of heat will play a key role in this transition. However, when it comes to heat, everyone has different needs and requirements and there is no solution that fits all. In NeatHeat, UK Power Networks aims to look into an alternative clean heating solution that ensures no one is left behind in this sustainable transition!

How we’re doing it

In NeatHeat, we are looking to support up to 30 households on their decarbonisation journey by trialling tepeo’s innovative Zero Emission Boiler over the course of a year. We will replace customers’ existing heating system and upgrade it with a Zero Emission Boiler (ZEB). By doing that, we are able to assess the compatibility of this solution and the challenges that some customers may face. Throughout the trial, we will be monitoring the performance of the ZEB to understand the charging pattern and test various optimisation mechanisms that will provide flexibility to the network. We will also be engaging with the participants in the trial at all stages of the process to gather feedback and understand customer needs. Additionally, we are testing a first of its kind “Type-of-Use-Tariff” that allows customers to use clean heat at a lower cost.

What makes it innovative

The Zero Emission Boilers are a net zero alternative to a gas or oil boiler, providing the same heating service, but without the associated emissions. The boiler works like a battery to store heat efficiently, until needed, charging at the cheapest and greenest times of the day to help households cut down their usage and in turn, their energy bills. The innovative “Type-of-Use-Tariff” removes the burden off customers when it comes to heating their home. The energy supplier can work with the Distribution System Operator to optimise the charging of the ZEB, and the customer can enjoy a warm sustainably heated home.

What we’re learning

By doing this project we will know; the impact on the network, allowing us to maximize the utilisation of the network. We will also assess how the charging can be optimised to reduce operational costs and deliver the best service to customers. All of this ultimately helps ensure we can facilitate the decarbonisation of heat and ensure everyone can make the transition in the most cost-effective way possible for both customers and the network.

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