Future Ready

Socially Green

Project Data

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End date:





We are changing from our traditional role of a Distribution Network Operator to becoming a Distribution System Operator, balancing an increasingly complex, interconnected, and low-carbon electricity network while maintaining focus on our core responsibilities of reliability, safety, efficiency and customer service. Changing consumer behaviours and emerging technologies – such as solar cells, battery storage and electric vehicles – along with the advent of new energy markets have driven this change. 

In this new world, it’s vital that we address the needs of all our customers and make sure that our services are inclusive and fair for all. It’s also critical that no one is left behind as the UK transitions to a Net Zero energy system. 

Socially Green assessed the needs of our current and future customers who may be disadvantaged or in vulnerable circumstances. This understanding is helping us set new priorities aimed at creating a fair and accessible energy system for all. The project has helped us identify barriers that exist for certain types of customers. With that understanding, we are designing and evaluating new services and partnerships that improve inclusion. During the project we also trialled an innovative solution designed to help those who may be disadvantaged. 

What is the project about?

Our role is changing fundamentally. We are converting from our traditional role of being a Distribution Network Operator to becoming a Distribution System Operator, balancing an increasingly complex, interconnected and low-carbon electricity network while maintaining focus on our core responsibilities of reliability, safety, efficiency and customer service. Changing consumer behaviours and emerging new technologies – such as renewable energy, battery storage and electric vehicles – along with the advent of new energy markets backed by modern software have driven this change.

In this new world, it’s vital that we address the needs of all of our customers and make sure that our services are inclusive and fair for all. It’s also critical that no one is left behind as the UK transitions to a Net Zero energy system driven by the technological revolution.

Socially Green is a detailed project that will assess the needs of our current and future customers who may be disadvantaged or in vulnerable circumstances. This understanding will help us set new priorities and trackable targets aimed at creating a fair and accessible energy system for all. The project will help us identify any barriers that might exist for certain types of customers. With that understanding, we will design and evaluate new services and/or partnerships that could improve inclusion. The aim is to identify new services and trial innovative solutions designed to help those who may be disadvantaged.

How we’re doing it

We conducted qualitative and quantitative research assessments of the needs of our current and future customers who may be disadvantaged or in vulnerable circumstances. The research unfolded in three phases: 

  • Phase one: identify the different customer segments to understand what support customers who may be disadvantaged or in vulnerable circumstances might need through the Net Zero transition 
  • Phase two: map out customer needs now and in the future, analysing the benefits potential new services could provide for communities. 
  • Phase three: complete trials to gather evidence to support the research findings from phases one and two. 
  • Summer (Breadth) Trial: Developed a new method to incentivise flexibility service providers to engage hard-to-reach customers to provide flexibility. 
  • Autumn (Depth) Trial: Explored how energy efficiency measures installed by social housing providers could provide energy flexibility. 

What makes it innovative

We looked ahead to analyse and understand what the future might look like for customers of varied backgrounds and circumstances. The Net Zero carbon emissions by 2050 target mean there will be a significant technological and societal change in the UK over the next thirty years – including some technologies which have not yet been invented. This is an exciting time, but it also means there is significant uncertainty and barriers for those who might face additional challenges in getting involved in the transition. 

Socially Green is planning far into the future to innovate our way to a Net Zero system that works for everyone. 

In the shorter term, we also ran two trials to deliver two new methods of engaging and supporting disadvantaged consumers. The Autumn (Depth) trial was the first of its kind to procure flexibility from hard-to-reach social housing tenants for UK Power Networks.

What we’re learning

Through the project, we delivered: 

  • Insights into how customers may face challenges getting involved in the Net Zero transition 
  • A better understanding of local customer needs and potential services we can offer to support customers 
  • An understanding of the benefits innovation can create for customers who face challenges getting involved in the Net Zero transition 
  • Trials for new methods of supporting customers so we can test their effectiveness 

The project has highlighted that there are multiple complex challenges to face when supporting disadvantaged consumers to access flexibility and engage in the Net Zero transition. Socially Green has helped to identify and address some of these challenges, as well as highlighting areas for further indepth exploration. 

  • Engagement with Flexibility Service Providers has demonstrated interest in the method designed to incentivise greater engagement with disadvantaged customers. Further collaboration as well as increased engagement to enable participation, could see wider uptake of this method. 


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